This page presents our press and audio coverage by reporters. For videos, see the webpage at left. To contact people at the Carnivore Coexistence Lab, see the People page at left or email Adrian Treves.
Media Coverage
Media coverage of the Carnivore Coexistence Lab, stories per year (blue) and cumulative (green) as of 30 June 2024.

Google Scholar Citations as of 24 September 2024.

2023 (so far)
Substantial coverage by reporters
Study: Second wolf hunt would have driven Wisconsin's wolf population to 'undesirably low levels'
UW-Madison researchers say second hunt risked wolves possibly becoming endangered or extinct in Wisconsin. WPR by Danielle Keading
UNDARK magazine A Fight Over Wolves Pits Facts Against Feelings in Wisconsin. The state’s wolf population is determined by political volleying, with each side of the debate seeking easy answers.. Undark article by Leah Campbell.
WORT: 30 minutes with Adrian Treves and Stan Gehrt. The radio show related to wildlife sightings during the pandemic.
Coyote-killing contests: why the science, ethics, and the law oppose these contest, with some comments on wolf delisting in the Western Great Lakes. Listen to a one hour radio show on WORT's "A Public Affair" with Adrian Treves, 14 January 2019 Listen here.
also on
Also check out the compressed file below for media coverage of our work on non-lethal methods to protect domestic animals from pumas in Chile!
"Best Available Predator Science and the Law", a webinar by Adrian Treves, 18 December 2018. This webinar describes the relationship between science and law with a case study revising the history of Wisconsin's wolf population models and how that might influence policy today. See the one hour webinar here.
Also check out the compressed file below for media coverage of our work on Just Preservation and our collaborations with the youth plaintiffs suing the U.S. federal government over climate change policy (atmospheric trust litigation).!
Audio from 2013 onward
Audio files from 2013 to the present
2012 and earlier
Media archive for 2012 and earlier
Aufio files before 2013
Audio files for 2012 and earlier