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We prepared these data archives to live up to our duty as public scientists and government trustees to be accountable for wildlife held in trust for the broadest public and futurity.

The data archives below are intended for transparent communication about the carnivores we have studied. Please do not attempt to publish excerpts without first consulting Adrian Treves by email because interpretation of terms and the methods used to collect data are crucial for their interpretation. Such consultation may help to avoid misunderstandings,, miscommunications, or other errors. Such communication also respects our intellectual property for much of the material below. Thank you.


Quoted text from constitutional provisions that protect the biosphere for an article by A. Treves, K. M. Hostler, and N. I. Vonarburg.

In 2024, we shed light on nondisclosure of potentially competing interests among DNR staff and allied authors. In two peer-reviewed, published papers, one in Journal of Mammalogy rebutting Roberts et al. and one in PLoS One rebutting Stauffer et al., we presented ironclad evidence of undisclosed affiliations, and interests, both financial and non-financial. These are breaches of scientific integrity long denounced by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Non-disclosure of potentially competing interests by Roberts et al. and Stauffer et al. co-authors with a history of efforts to compel disclosure and their stubborn refusals.

To see how they claim we are trying to silence them when we are obviously trying the opposite, to compel transparency and give voice to their potentially competing interests, see this article on competing interests. Also see this page about the long history of errors and concealment by WDNR staff and allied researchers.

This is part of a larger project in the Open Science Framework entitled, Meta-research on disclosures of potentially competing interests, which contains two components as of April 2024. The first component is our rebuttal to Roberts et al. in Journal of Mammalogy 2024. The second component is our rebuttal to Stauffer et al. for PLoS One 2024. Both components share Supplementary Data SD1 showing undisclosed potentially competing interests for the co-authors of Roberts et al. and Stauffer et al. If you have trouble accessing SD1, follow any of the three links above or email atreves at

Simulating study designs paper as a compressed file of scripts and data.

The DNR and NRB documents we cited from 2021.

The Supplementary Information from Treves & Louchouarn 2022.

Supplementary Data published for J Mammalogy paper on WI wolf mortality: Supporting Information SD1-SD5. Please note that on 11 June 2017, one file was updated to correct a typo discovered by FSA.

For Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Endangered Resources Bureau Population Reports before 2016 accompanying the article on gray wolf mortality in Wisconsin. Note: not all years were available for download before the WDNR archived or removed the reports. Please email Adrian Treves if you have unedited reports from the missing years, which I can add to this public repository.

Population Reports 2016-2021. Accessed 1 April 2021.

Supporting Information on Methods and Results (unabridged) accompanying the following article: Treves, A., C. Browne-Nunez, J. Hogberg, J. Karlsson Frank, L. Naughton-Treves, N. Rust, and Z. Voyles. 2017. Estimating poaching opportunity and potential. Pp. in Conservation criminology (M. L. Gore, ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New York. The editor requested that our detailed methods and results be stored online in a permanent archive for reasons of space limitations in the book itself. click here for full Methods and Results. and the pre-proof of the chapter itself can be found here Estimating poaching opportunity and potential.

Supporting Materials 1-4 for manuscript under review relating to Vamp[ire articles.