Universal Soil Loss Equation

The revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) is an equation that predicts soil erosion loss due to rainfall and runoff. The equation was developed through funding from the United States Department of Agriculture in an effort to reduce soil loss through conservation planning practices. RUSLE is an updated version of the original Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), published in Agriculture Handbook No. 537 (described in handbooks by Wischmeier and Smith 1965, 1978). The calculations in RUSLE are more involved than USLE and are facilitated with computer programs. The equation takes into consideration several different variables to come up with soil loss per year in tons per acre. The variables considered are as follows:

By using geographic information system (GIS) and inputting data layers for each of the above variables we are able to predict where, in each of the WBI's watersheds, buffers are needed the most. Eventually we will have an interactive map whereby the user, farmers or otherwise, can input a value for the support practice factor, and generate their own numbers for average annual soil loss in tons-per acre-per year.