Response of Global Climate and Vegetation

to Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Collaborators: Zhengyu Liu, Steve Vavrus, Robert Gallimore, John Kutzbach, Colin Prentice, Robert Jacob

Funding: DOE

Notaro, M., S. Vavrus, and Z. Liu, 2007: Global vegetation and climate change due to future increases in CO2 as
    projected by a fully coupled model with dynamic vegetation. J. Climate, 20, 70-90.
Notaro, M., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, S. J. Vavrus, J. E. Kutzbach, I. C. Prentice, and R. L. Jacob, 2005: Simulated and
    observed pre-industrial to modern vegetation and climate changes. J. Climate, 18 (17), 3650-3671.
Vavrus, S., M. Notaro, and Z. Liu, 2006: A mechanism for abrupt climate change associated with tropical Pacific
    SSTs. J. Climate, 19 (2), 242-256.

Methods: The fully coupled global climate model, FOAM-LPJ, was run for modern-day and also transiently through the 20th and 21st century, given the A2 emission scenario. 

Key finding: The model produces a global greening trend and poleward migration of the boreal forests.

Simulated modern-day and late 21st century (A2 emission scenario) biome distribution based on FOAM-LPJ fully coupled global climate model simulations.