Michael Notaro
Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1225 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706
Tel. No. (608) 261-1503, Fax No. (608) 263-4190,
Education and Training
Ph.D in Atmospheric Science, State University of New York at Albany 1998-2002
M.S. in Atmospheric Science, State University of New York at Albany 1995-1998
B.S. in Atmospheric Science, State University of New York at Albany 1992-1995
PhD Dissertation: Model and observational analysis of the Northeast’s regional winter climate and its relationship to
the PNA pattern
M.S. Thesis: Interannual and decadal climate variability in cold surge frequency: A synoptic-climatology
Awards: Robert C. Byrd Undergraduate Scholarship, Golden Key National Honor Society, American
Meteorological Society Graduate Travel Scholarship (1997)
Research and Professional Experience
Associate Director, Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2011-2014
Senior Scientist, Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2014-
Associate Scientist, Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008-2014
Interim Director, Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison Summer 2010
Assistant Scientist, Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2005-2008
Research Associate, Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2002-2004
Research Assistant, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York-Albany 1995-2002
Teaching Assistant, Dep’t of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, State University of New York-Albany 1995, 1997
Areas of Expertise
Global and regional climate modeling; land-ocean-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks; dynamic vegetation modeling; climate change and its impacts on terrestrial ecosystems; lake-effect snow; Great Lakes hydrology; Middle Eastern dust storms; weather extremes.
Accomplishments and Synergistic Activities
54 scientific publications, 97 oral presentations, and 30 interviews and media releases.
Advised 1 MS student, 3 PhD students, 4 interns, and 6 postdoctoral researchers.
Member of the Climate Working Group of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts, CCR Science
Council, and American Geophysical Union. Serves as CCR Floor Captain.
International collaborations with King Saud University, University of Western-Australia, Abdus Salam
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, and Long Point Waterfowl.
Frequent reviewer of publications (Climate Dynamics, Earth Interactions, Ecological Modelling, Geophysical
Research Letters, Global Change Biology, International Journal of Climatology, International Journal of
Geophysics, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Hydrometeorology, International
Journal of Limnology, Monthly Weather Review, Nature, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society)
and proposals (Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, United States Department of Agriculture)
Co-developer of Reid Bryson Scholarship for (under)graduates, promoted scholarship to donors, and judged
Co-developer of Climate Change Interactive Mapping websites, based on statistical and dynamical downscaling, at
Organizer of the televised (Wisconsin Public Television), nine-part seminar series in 2009, “Bracing for Impact:
Climate Change Adaptation in Wisconsin”.
Consultant for climate change spread in National Geographic Visual Atlas of the World.
Contributed materials to the online Birkebeiner video for Climate Wisconsin: Stories from a State of Change.
Organizer of Wisconsin climate change exhibit for Tales from Planet Earth: Strange Weather at MMOCA art
museum in 2009; served on Nelson Institute planning committee for environmental film festival.
Interviews and Media Releases (30)
Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth (WCATY) Summer Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP)
Summer Sentinel, “The beginning of the end: Impact of global warming will be felt throughout the 21st century”,
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC website, “New snow modeling study indicates some waterfowl hunting may
have to migrate north”, 2014.
Wisconsin Public Radio, “Despite record lake ice this winter, climate forecasts still say trend is warming,” 2014.
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point news release, “Climate change talk focuses on hunting, fishing,” 2014.
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point The Pointer article, “Panel discusses climate change,” 2014.
WKOW-TV news story, “UW researchers predicting less snowfall in future,” 2014.
NBC-15 news story, Wisconsin winter projections, 2014.
Nelson Institute news release, “Climate research shows changes in Midwestern winters,” 2014.
Public News Service article, “Research shows big changes coming in Wisconsin winters,” 2014.
KQED Quest, “A hidden world thrives below the snow,” 2014.
Madison.com, “UW researcher: Good chance for less snow but more rain in winter later this century,” 2014.
Wisconsin Public Radio, “How climate change will affect Wisconsin winters,” 2013.
Wisconsin Gardener interview on Wisconsin climate change and gardening impacts, 2013.
Clean Wisconsin blog article, “Revisiting winter,” 2012.
Badger Herald article, “Report: Wis. Needs to implement climate change plans,” 2012.
Wisconsin Public Television’s “In Wisconsin” by Art Hackett – Episode “Warmer Wisconsin”, 2011.
UW press release, “Snow in the Rockies, dry summer in the Southwest?”, 2011.
“The Why Files” website article, “Drought and searing heat in Texas: Is this the face of global warming?, 2011.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article, “Fall colors peaking right on schedule”, 2011.
LaCrosse Tribune article, “With 1970s temps out, Weather Service adjusts ‘normal’ highs, lows”, 2011.
King Saud University Portal News article, “KSU, University of Wisconsin-Madison collaborating in dust storm
research”, 2011.
Science Now article, “Did Australian aborigines change the weather?”, 2011.
American Geophysical Union Journal Highlights on Notaro et al. (20011) Geophysical Research Letter article on
Australian monsoon, 2011.
Rhinelander Daily News article about Wisconsin climate change and drought, 2010.
Wisconsin State Journal article, “Researchers: Wisconsin is getting warmer”, 2009.
Union of Concerned Scientists website article, “Wisconsin scientists release groundbreaking climate study”, 2009.
WMCS-1290AM Milwaukee radio show by Cassandra, Cassandra and Joel McNally regarding Wisconsin climate
change, 2009.
National Geographic News article, “Will grasslands overtake U.S. forests due to warming?”, 2008.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article, “Erratic climate predicted: Evergreens at risk, UW scientist says”, 2008.
Science Daily website article, “Climate change and species distribution”, 2008.
Active and Closed Grants (as PI or Co-PI) (20 grants, total: $3,519,618)
Department of Energy (DOE) SciDAC, “Evaluation of the large-scale and regional climatic responses across North
Africa to natural variability in oceanic modes and terrestrial vegetation among the CMIP5 models,” 2014-2017,
National Science Foundation (NSF), “Statistical and dynamical exploration of land-ocean-atmosphere interactions in
two contrasting monsoon regions: China and northern Australia,” PI: Michael Notaro, 2014-2017, $231,216.
Northeast Climate Science Center (CSC), “Development of dynamically-based 21st century projections of snow,
lake ice, and winter severity for the Great Lakes Basin to guide wildlife-based adaptation planning, with emphasis
on deer and waterfowl,” PI: Michael Notaro, 2014-2016, $142,033.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Southern Research Station, “Role of forest
ecosystems in mitigating climate change impacts through land-surface energy and water processes, 2nd phase,” PI:
Zhengyu Liu, Co-PI: Michael Notaro, 2014-2015, $40,000.
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP) of UW-Madison, “Observed decadal variability in North
African-Middle Eastern dust storm activity,” PI: Michael Notaro, 2014-2015, $9,000.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, “Assessment of flood risk across Wisconsin’s Upper Fox River Basin in
response to heavy precipitation events,” PI: Steve Vavrus, Co-PI: Michael Notaro, 2014, $40,000.
National Science Foundation (NSF), “Role of low-level clouds in the accelerated warming of the Great Lakes – A
dual observational and regional modeling assessment,” PI: Sergey Kravtsov / Michael Notaro, 2012-2015,
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, “Future changes in weather extremes derived from statistically downscaled
climate projections for the Great Lakes region,” PI: Steve Vavrus, Co-PI: Michael Notaro, 2012-2014, $59,750.
National Park Service (NPS), “Historical and projected climate trends in US national parks for vulnerability
analyses and adaptation of resource management,” PI: Jack Williams, Co-PI: Michael Notaro, 2012-2014,
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP) of UW-Madison, “Monitoring the ecological sensitivity of the
Great Smoky Mountains National Park to droughts,” PI: Michael Notaro, 2012-2013, $7,000.
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP) of UW-Madison, “Implications of a warming winter on resident
bird populations in the Upper Midwest,” PI: Benjamin Zuckerberg, Co-PI: Michael Notaro, 2012-2013, $7,000.
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) contract using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funding,
“Downscaling climate predictions for Michigan and the Great Lakes,” PI: Michael Notaro / Christover Hoving,
2011-2014, $324,323.
King Saud University, “Seasonal and Interannual Prediction of Saudi Arabian Dust Storms,” PI: Zhengyu Liu /
Michael Notaro / Fahad Alkolibi, 2011-2013, $103,619.
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP) of UW-Madison, “Regional modeling assessment of the causes
and consequences of Middle Eastern dust storms”, PI: Michael Notaro, 2011-2012, $7,000.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
contract using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funding, “How will the Great Lakes water levels respond
to climate change: Regional modeling for application to decision-making,” PI: Michael Notaro / Brent Lofgren,
2010-2015, $542,570.
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP) of UW-Madison, “Influence of the Great Lakes on Climate,” PI:
Michael Notaro, 2010-2011, $7,000.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) CCDD, "Observed and Simulated Trends in Heavy
Lake Effect Snow Events Across the Great Lakes Basin," PI: Michael Notaro, 2009-2013, $324,907.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Southern Research Station, “Role of forest
ecosystems in mitigating climate change impacts through land-surface energy and water processes,” PI:
Zhengyu Liu, Co-PI: Michael Notaro, 2009-2012, $65,062.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) CPPA, "Impact of Vegetation on North American
Climate," PI: Michael Notaro, 2008-2013, $289,812.
Department of Energy (DOE) NICCR, "Ecosystem response to future climate change and the impact of vegetation
feedbacks in the Southwest United States," PI: Michael Notaro, 2007-2011, $337,375.
Advisees: Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers
MS Students: Yan Yu (2011-12)
PhD Students: Kathleen Holman (2010-12), Di Ma (2011-12), Yan Yu (2013-14)
Postdoctoral Researchers: Valerie Bennington (2011), Guangshan Chen (2010-11), Kathleen Holman (2013), Fuyao
Wang (2010-13), Azar Zarrin (2009-11), Yafang Zhong (2012-2013)
Interns: Elody Fluck (2011), Marion Weckerle (2011), Adrien Mauss (2007), Kendra Alicia Allen (2005)
Publications (54 total, 24 as first author)
IF=Impact Factor from 2014 (www.impactfactorsearch.com)
Notaro, M., V. Bennington, and S. Vavrus, 2014: Dynamically downscaled projections of lake-effect snow in the
Great Lakes Basin. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), in press.
Notaro, M., D. Lorenz, C. Hoving, and M. Schummer, 2014: Twenty-first century projections of snowfall and
winter severity across central-eastern North America. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 27, 6526-6550.
Wang, F., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, and G. Chen, 2014: Observed local and remote influences of vegetation on the
atmosphere across North America using a model-validated statistical technique that first excludes oceanic
forcings. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 27, 362-382.
Bennington, V., M. Notaro, and K.D. Holman, 2014: Improving climate sensitivity of deep lakes within a regional
climate model and its impact on simulated climate. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 27, 2886-2911.
Holman, K.D., D.J. Lorenz, and M. Notaro, 2014: Influence of the background state on Rossby wave propagation
into the Great Lakes region based on observations and model simulations. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), in press.
Yu, Y., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, F. Alkolibi, E. Fadda, and F. Bakhrjy, 2014: Climatic controls on the interannual to
decadal variability in Saudi Arabian dust activity: Towards the development of a seasonal dust prediction model.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres (IF=3.4), in review.
Wyroll, K.H., and M. Notaro, 2014: Aboriginal landscape burning and its impact on the summer monsoon of
northern Australia. Australian Archaeology (IF=1.3), 79, 109-115.
Janowiak, M.K.; Iverson, L.; Mladenoff, D.J.; Peters, E.; Wythers, K.R.; Xi, W.; Brandt, L.A.; Butler, P.R.;
Handler, S.D.; Shannon, P.D.; Swanston, C.W.; Parker, L.R.; Amman, A.J.; Bogaczyk, B.; Handler, C.; Lesch, E.;
Reich, P.B.; Matthews, S.; Peters, M.; Prasad, A.; Khanal, S.; Liu, F.; Bal, T.; Bronson, D.; Burton, A.; Ferris, J.;
Fosgitt, J.; Hagan, S.; Johnston, E.; Kane, E.; Matula, C.; O'Connor, R.; Higgins, D.; St. Pierre, M.; Daley, J.;
Davenport, M.; Emery, M.R.; Fehringer, D.; Johnson, G.; Neitzel, D.; Notaro, M.; Rissman, A.; Rittenhouse, C.;
Ziel, R., 2014: Forest ecosystem vulnerability assessment and synthesis for northern Wisconsin and western
Upper Michigan: A report from the Northwoods Climate Change Response Framework. Newtown Square, PA:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
Notaro, M., A. Zarrin, S. Vavrus, and V. Bennington, 2013: Simulation of heavy lake-effect snowstorms across the
Great Lakes Basin by RegCM4: Synoptic climatology and variability. Monthly Weather Review (IF=3.6), 141,
Notaro, M., K. Holman, A. Zarrin, E. Fluck, S. Vavrus, and V. Bennington, 2013: Influence of the Laurentian Great
Lakes on regional climate. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 26, 789-804.
Notaro, M., F. Alkolibi, E. Fadda, and F. Bakhrjy, 2013: Trajectory analysis of Saudi Arabian dust storms. Journal
of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres (IF=3.4), 118, 6028-6043.
Yu, Y., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, O. Kalashnikova, F. Alkolibi, E. Fadda, and F. Bakhrjy, 2013: Assessing temporal and
spatial variations in atmospheric dust over Saudi Arabia through satellite, radiometric, and station data. Journal of
Geophysical Research-Atmospheres (IF=3.4), 118, 13253-13264.
Vavrus, S., M. Notaro, and A. Zarrin, 2013: The role of ice cover in heavy lake-effect snowstorms across the Great
Lakes Basin as simulated by RegCM4. Monthly Weather Review (IF=3.6), 141, 148-165.
Wang, F., Z. Liu, and M. Notaro, 2013: Extracting the dominant SST modes impacting North America’s observed
climate. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 26, 5434-5452.
Ma, D., Z. Liu, S. Lu, M. Notaro, X. Rong, G. Cheng, and F. Wang, 2013: Short-term climatic impacts of
afforestation in the East Asian monsoon region. Chinese Science Bulletin (IF=1.4), 58, 2073-2081.
Wyrwoll, K.H., F. McRobie, M. Notaro, and G. Chen, 2013: Indigenous vegetation burning practices and their
impact on the climate of the northern Australian monsoon region. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (IF=3.6),
10, 10313-10332.
Notaro, M., J.W. Williams, and D. Lorenz, 2012: 21st century vegetation and land carbon projections for Wisconsin.
Climate Research (IF=2.7), 54, 149-165.
Notaro, M., A. Mauss, and J.W. Williams, 2012: Projected vegetation changes for the American Southwest:
Combined dynamical modeling and bioclimatic envelope approach. Ecological Applications (IF=4.1), 22, 1365-
Notaro, M., and D. Gutzler, 2012: Simulated impact of vegetation on climate across the North American monsoon
region in CCSM3.5. Climate Dynamics (IF=4.6), doi: 10.1007/s00382-010-0990-0.
Wyrwoll, K.-H., M. Notaro, and G. Chen, 2012: A burning question. Australasian Science, July/August 2012, 23-
Chen, G.-S., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, and Y. Liu, 2012: Simulated local and remote biophysical effects of afforestation
over Southeast United States in boreal summer. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 25, 4511-4522.
Ma, D., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, G. Chen, Y. Liu, and S. Lu, 2012: Simulated impacts of afforestation in East China
monsoon region as modulated by ocean variability. Climate Dynamics (IF=4.6), doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1592-9.
Holman, K.D., A. Gronewold, M. Notaro, and A. Zarrin, 2012: Improving historical precipitation estimates over the
Lake Superior basin. Geophysical Research Letters (IF=4.5), 39, L03405, doi:10.1029/2011GL050468.
Veloz, S., J. Williams, D. Lorenz, M. Notaro, S. Vavrus, and D.J. Vimont, 2012: Identifying climatic analogs for
Wisconsin under 21st-century climate-change scenarios. Climatic Change (IF=4.6), doi:10.1007/s10584-011-
Notaro, M., and A. Zarrin, 2011: Sensitivity of the North American monsoon to antecedent Rocky Mountain
snowpack. Geophysical Research Letters (IF=4.5), 38, L17403, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048803.
Notaro, M., G. Chen, and Z. Liu, 2011: Vegetation feedbacks to climate in the global monsoon regions. Journal of
Climate (IF=4.9), 24, 5740-5756.
Notaro, M., K-H. Wyrwoll, and G. Chen, 2011: Did aboriginal vegetation burning impact on the Australian summer
monsoon? Geophysical Research Letters (IF=4.5), 38, L11704, doi:10.1029/2011GL047774.
Zhong, Y., Z. Liu, and M. Notaro, 2011: A GEFA assessment of observed global ocean influence on US
precipitation variability: Discrimination of effects from multiple ocean basins. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 24,
Williams, J. W., P. Tarasov, S. Brewer, and M. Notaro, 2011: Late Quaternary variations in tree cover at the
northern forest-tundra ecotone. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biosphere (IF=3.4),
Zhang, J., L. Wu, G. Huang, and M. Notaro, 2011: Relationships between large-scale circulation patterns and
carbon dioxide exchange by a deciduous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere (IF=3.4), 116,
D04102, doi:10.1029/2010JD014738.
Notaro, M., D. Lorenz, D. Vimont, S. Vavrus, C. Kucharik, and K. Franz, 2010: 21st century Wisconsin snow
projections based on an operational snow model driven by statistically downscaled climate data. International
Journal of Climatology (IF=3.4), DOI: 10.1002/joc.2179.
Notaro, M., D. Lorenz, and D. Vimont, 2010: 21st century Wisconsin gardening – Transformed by climate change.
Wisconsin Natural Resources, August 2010, 17-19.
Notaro, M., Z. Liu, R. G. Gallimore, J. W. Williams, D. Gutzler, and S. Collins, 2010: The complex
ecohydrology seasonal cycle of the Southwest United States. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeoscience
(IF=3.4), 115, G04034, doi: 10.1029/2010JG001382.
Liu, Z., M. Notaro, J. P. Argenti, and R. G. Gallimore, 2010: Indirect vegetation-soil moisture feedback with
application to Holocene North Africa climate. Global Change Biology (IF=8.2), 16, 1733-1743.
Booth, R.K., S.T. Jackson, and M. Notaro, 2010: Using peatland archives to test paleoclimate hypotheses. PAGES
news, 18, 6-8.
Lorenz, D. J., S. J. Vavrus, D. J. Vimont, J. W. Williams, J. A. Young, E. T. DeWeaver, and M. Notaro, 2009:
Wisconsin's changing climate: Hydrologic Cycle. In Climate Variability, Predictability, and Change in the
Lorenz, D. J., S. J. Vavrus, D. J. Vimont, J. W. Williams, J. A. Young, E. T. DeWeaver, and M. Notaro, 2009:
Wisconsin's changing climate: Temperature. In Climate Variability, Predictability, and Change in the Midwest.
Notaro, M., Y. Wang, Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, and S. Levis, 2008: Combined statistical and dynamical assessment of
simulated vegetation-rainfall interactions in North Africa during the mid-Holocene. Global Change Biology
(IF=8.2), 14, 347-368.
Notaro, M., and Z. Liu, 2008: Joint statistical and dynamical assessment of simulated vegetation feedbacks on
climate over the boreal forests. Climate Dynamics (IF=4.6), 31, 691-712.
Notaro, M., 2008: Statistical identification of global hotspots in soil moisture feedbacks among IPCC AR4 models.
Journal of Geophysical Research (IF=3.4), 113, D09101, doi: 10.1029/2007JD009199.
Notaro, M., 2008: Response of the mean global vegetation distribution to interannual climate variability. Climate
Dynamics (IF=4.6), 30, 845-854, doi: 10.1007/s00382-007-0329-7.
Notaro, M., S. Vavrus, and Z. Liu, 2007: Global vegetation and climate change due to future increases in CO2 as
projected by a fully coupled model with dynamic vegetation. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 20, 70-90.
Notaro, M., and Z. Liu, 2007: Potential impact of the Eurasian boreal forest on North Pacific climate variability.
Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 20, 981-992.
Liu, Z., Y. Wang, R. Gallimore, F. Gasse, T. Johnson, P. deMenocal, J. Adkins, M. Notaro, I. C. Prentice, J.
Kutzbach, R. Jacob, P. Behling, L. Wang, and E. Ong, 2007: Simulating the transient evolution and abrupt change
of North Africa atmosphere-ocean-terrestrial ecosystem in the Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science (IF=2.6),
26, 1818-1837.
Wang, Y., M. Notaro, Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, S. Levis, and J. E. Kutzbach, 2007: Detecting vegetation-precipitation
feedbacks in mid-Holocene North Africa from two climate models. Climate of the Past (IF=3.5), 3, 961-975.
Notaro, M., Z. Liu, and J. W. Williams, 2006: Observed vegetation-climate feedbacks in the United States. Journal
of Climate (IF=4.9), 19 (5), 763-786.
Notaro, M., W.-C. Wang, and W. Gong, 2006: Model and observational analysis of the Northeast’s regional winter
climate and its relationship to the PNA pattern. Monthly Weather Review (IF=3.6), 134, 3477-3503.
Booth, R. K., M. Notaro, S. T. Jackson, and J. E. Kutzbach, 2006: Widespread drought episodes in the western
Great Lakes region during the past 2000 years: Geographic extent and potential mechanisms. Earth and Planetary
Science Letters (IF=4.7), 242, 415-427.
Liu, Z., M. Notaro, J. Kutzbach, and N. Liu, 2006: An observational assessment of global vegetation-climate
feedbacks. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 19 (5), 787-814.
Vavrus, S., M. Notaro, and Z. Liu, 2006: A mechanism for abrupt climate change associated with tropical Pacific
SSTs. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 19 (2), 242-256.
Liu, Z., Y. Wang, R. Gallimore, M. Notaro, and I. C. Prentice, 2006: On the cause of abrupt vegetation collapse in
North Africa during the Holocene: Climate variability vs. vegetation feedback. Geophysical Research Letters
(IF=4.5), 33, L22709, doi:10.1029/2006GL028062.
Notaro, M., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, S. J. Vavrus, J. E. Kutzbach, I. C. Prentice, and R. L. Jacob, 2005: Simulated and
observed pre-industrial to modern vegetation and climate changes. Journal of Climate (IF=4.9), 18 (17), 3650-
Wu, L., Z. Liu, R. Gallimore, M. Notaro, and R. Jacob, 2005: Modeling surgery: A new way toward understanding
Earth climate variability. Journal of Ocean University of China (IF=0.4), 10, 306-314.
Notaro, M., 2002: Model and observational analysis of the Northeast’s regional winter climate and its relationship
to the PNA pattern. Ph.D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Albany.
Oral Presentations (97)
Development of climate projections for the Great Lakes region, November 2014, Webinar presentation to the Great
Lakes Water Quality Agreement Climate Annex Subcommittee, Madison, Wisconsin.
MET-606 Historic and projected Wisconsin climate change, impacts, and adaptation, October 2014, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Molecular and Environmental Toxicology (MET-606) class, Madison, Wisconsin.
Overview of relevant research on climate change projections/adaptation and dust storms, August 2014, Meeting with
Iranian visitors through the World Learning Initiative, Madison, Wisconsin.
Climate change 101, July 2014, AINL G-WOW (Gikinoo’wizhiwe Onji Waaban) Changing Climate, Changing
Culture Institute, Ashland, Wisconsin.
Tips and tools for educating about climate change and taking action, July 2014, AINL G-WOW (Gikinoo’wizhiwe
Onji Waaban) Changing Climate, Changing Culture Institute, Ashland, Wisconsin.
Addressing the climate change controversy, July 2014, AINL G-WOW (Gikinoo’wizhiwe Onji Waaban) Changing
Climate, Changing Culture Institute, Ashland, Wisconsin.
Dynamically downscaled projections of lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes Basin, June 2014, Adaptation in the
Great Lakes Region Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dynamically downscaled projections of lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes Basin, June 2014, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dynamically downscaled projections of lake-effect snow in the Great Lakes Basin, June 2014, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Regional climate variability, feedbacks, and projections, June 2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
Cold-season climate projections for the Midwest and Great Lakes Basin, with implications to regional wildlife, April
2014, Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
Wisconsin climate change, April 2014, Panel on Climate Change and Wisconsin Hunting and Fishing, Stevens
Point, Wisconsin.
Summary of CCR’s research findings, needs, and gaps related to Midwest climate change, March 2014, Midwest
Regional Climate Meeting, Champaign, Illinois.
Simulation of heavy lake-effect snowstorms across the Great Lakes Basin by RegCM4, December 2013, American
Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California.
Projecting future water levels of the Laurentian Great Lakes, December 2013, American Geophysical Union
Conference, San Francisco, California.
Statistically downscaled climate projections for central-eastern North America, with application to developing
projections of winter severity, November 2013, Coping with extreme weather and climate change: Management
strategies for the Upper Midwest, La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Ecological response in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to the 2007-2008 drought, November 2013,
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP) seminar, Madison, Wisconsin.
Projected change in heavy lake-effect snowstorms across the Great Lakes Basin, November 2013, Climate, People,
and Environment Program (CPEP) seminar, Madison, Wisconsin.
21st century projections of ameliorated winter conditions, yet more intense snowstorms, across the central-eastern
North American Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, November 2013, Webinar for the Science Team for
Climate Change and Forests, Madison, Wisconsin.
Understanding a world of climatic extremes, October 2013, CCR 50th Anniversary, Madison, Wisconsin.
Tutorial on the manipulation of netcdf climate data: Application to statistically downscaled climate projections,
October 2013, The Wildlife Society Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Projected vegetation changes for the American Southwest: Combined dynamic modeling and bioclimatic-envelope
approach, October 2013, The Wildlife Society Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
21st century projections of ameliorated winter conditions, yet more intense snowstorms, across the central-eastern
North American Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, October 2013, The Wildlife Society Conference,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Projected change in heavy lake-effect snowstorms across the Great Lakes Basin, September 2013, University of
Illinois, Champaign, Illinois.
Simulation of heavy lake-effect snowstorms across the Great Lakes Basin by RegCM4, June 2013, Annual
Conference on Great Lakes Research, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Statistical downscaling of climate projections across the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives of central-eastern
North America, December 2012, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, Kansas.
Extracting the dominant SST modes impacting North America’s observed climate, December 2012, American
Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California.
Influence of the Laurentian Great Lakes on regional climate, December 2012, American Geophysical Union
Conference, San Francisco, California.
Wisconsin climate change, June 2012, College Days, Madison, Wisconsin.
Coupling the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to RegCM4 for the Great Lakes Basin, ICTP Workshop,
Trieste, Italy.
RegCM4-ROMS coupling, May 2012, ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy.
Influence of the Laurentian Great Lakes on regional climate, May 2012, ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy.
Sensitivity of the North American monsoon to antecedent Rocky Mountain snowpack, ICTP Workshop, Trieste,
Heavy lake-effect snowstorms in the Great Lakes Basin, May 2012, ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy.
Wisconsin climate change, April 2012, Wisconsin Climate Change and Jobs Forum, Madison, Wisconsin.
Overview of my current research: Regional climate modeling, land-atmosphere interactions, and Wisconsin climate
change, March 2012, CCR/SAGE Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin.
Sensitivity of the North American monsoon to antecedent Rocky Mountain snowpack, February 2012, Association
of American Geographers Conference, New York, New York.
Sensitivity of the North American monsoon to antecedent Rocky Mountain snowpack, December 2011, American
Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California.
Sensitivity of the North American monsoon to antecedent Rocky Mountain snowpack, October 2011, Climate,
People, and Environment Program (CPEP), UW-Madison.
The Center for Climatic Research: State of the Center, September 2011, Planning Workshop, J. Williams and M.
Notaro, UW-Madison.
The complex seasonal cycle of ecohydrology in the Southwest United States, August 2011, Ecological Society of
America Conference, Austin, Texas.
Overview of research on land-atmosphere interactions at the Center for Climatic Research, April 2011, King Saud
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Simulated influence of the Great Lakes on climate, March 2011, Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP)
/ UW Madison.
Simulated impact of vegetation on climate across the North American monsoon region, January 2011, American
Meteorological Society Conference, Seattle.
The changing climate of Wisconsin, November 2010, Upper Iowa University, Madison.
Vegetation feedbacks to climate in the global monsoon regions, November 2010, Climate, People, and Environment
Program (CPEP) / UW Madison.
Simulated vegetation feedbacks in the North American monsoon region, August 2010, Ecological Society of
America Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The future of Wisconsin’s forests, June 2010, Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts Forestry Working
Group meeting, Madison.
Climate change in northern Wisconsin, April 2010, Science Applications and Needs Workshop for the Climate
Change Response Framework, Madison.
Four-hour training lectures on weather and climate, March 2010, United States Geological Survey training
workshop, Madison.
Climate change projections for Wisconsin, February 2010, Shared Landscapes Initiative Workshop, Rhinelander,
Impact of vegetation on the global monsoon regions, January 2010, American Meteorological Society Conference,
Atlanta, Georgia.
The Center for Climatic Research: Past, present, and future, November 2009, Nelson Institute 30th Anniversary of
Environmental Studies Certificate.
Climate change projections for Wisconsin, October 2009, MATC Global Warming Teach-In.
Downscaled climate change projections for Wisconsin, September 2009, Lake Michigan: State of the Lake and
Great Lakes Beach Association meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Downscaling projections of climate change for Wisconsin and the Midwest, September 2009, United States
Geological Society Regional Climate Science Hub meeting, Madison.
Projections of future climate change’s impacts on vegetation in the Southwest United States: From plant functional
types to species, August 2009, Ecological Society of America Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Vegetation feedbacks over the global monsoon regions in CCSM3.5, June 2009, Community Climate System
Workshop Meeting, Breckenridge, Colorado.
How will plants respond to future climate change in the Southwest United States, April 2009, Sustainability and the
Global Environment seminar, UW-Madison.
The changing climate of Wisconsin, April 2009, Going Green Wisconsin Expo.
Wisconsin’s future climate, March 2009, Bracing for Impact: Climate Change Adaptation in Wisconsin, Wisconsin
Initiative on Climate Change Impacts seminar at Wednesday Night at the Lab, UW-Madison.
Climate modeling 101, March 2009, Wildlife Working Group of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change
Impacts, Madison.
Climate change in Wisconsin, February 2009, Wisconsin Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society
Annual Conference, Madison.
Presentation on storm chasing and climate change to Lego League, Memorial High School, October 2008, Madison.
Modeling and statistical assessment of vegetation-climate interactions, September 2008, NOAA CPPA PI meeting.
An overview of global and regional climate change, November 2008, Upper Iowa University.
Observed and simulated vegetation of the Southwest United States: Seasonal cycle and climate change, November
2008, Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP).
Response of the mean global vegetation distribution to interannual climate variability, August 2008, Ecological
Society of America Conference – Milwaukee.
A snapshot of CCR’s research into climate change and water resources, July 2008, Presentation to ITOCHU
Corporation, Madison.
Climate change from a Wisconsin perspective, April 2008, Wisconsin Water Association Water Efficiency Seminar,
Examining patterns, variability, and the seasonal cycle of vegetation in the Southwest United States, March 2008,
Climate, People, and Environment Program (CPEP).
Observed and predicted climate change with a focus on Wisconsin, January 2008, Southwest Alliance of
Neighborhoods, Madison.
Response of the mean global vegetation distribution to interannual climate variability, January 2008, American
Meteorological Society Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ongoing climate change research at the Center for Climatic Research, December 2007, Upper Iowa University.
An overview of Wisconsin climate change and its relevance to the golf industry, November 2007, keynote speaker,
Golf Turf Symposium, Kohler, Wisconsin.
The future of the Great Lakes as assessed by a regional climate model, August 2007, Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources.
Climate change in the Great Lakes region, July 2007, Wisconsin DNR Coastal Zone Working Group.
An Overview of global and regional climate change: What can science tell us and how does it affect community
resources? June 2007, Preparing for Climate Change community workshop, Madison.
Climate-ecosystem modeling and applications, May 2007, Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association
Conference, Chicago.
Observed trends in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes Basin, April 2007, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
On the cause of abrupt ecosystem collapse in northern Africa during the Holocene: Climate variability vs. vegetation
feedbacks, March 2007, AOS colloquium seminar, UW-Madison.
Combined statistical and dynamical assessment of the simulated negative vegetation feedback on North African
annual precipitation during the mid-Holocene, February 2007, Climate, People, and Environment Program
(CPEP) / UW Madison.
Abrupt North African ecosystem change during the mid-Holocene and the role of a negative vegetation feedback on
annual precipitation, December 2006, American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California.
Potential impact of the Eurasian boreal forest on North Pacific climate variability, December 2006, American
Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California.
Analysis of global vegetation feedbacks, with applications to North Africa and Asia, December 2006, NASA Ames,
Ames, California.
Abrupt North African ecosystem change during the mid-Holocene and the role of a negative vegetation feedback on
annual precipitation, December 2006, AOS Seminar / UW-Madison.
Abrupt North African ecosystem change during the mid-Holocene and the role of a negative vegetation feedback on
annual precipitation, November 2006, Sustainability and the Global Environment seminar, UW-Madison.
Observed vegetation-climate feedbacks in the United States, August 2006, NOAA CPPA PI meeting, Tucson,
The endangered Arctic, April 2006, Take Back Our Future: Earth Day Teach-In / UW-Madison.
Potential impact of the Eurasian boreal forest on North Pacific climate variability, April 2006, AOS Seminar / UW-
Impact of the Asian boreal forest on North Pacific SSTs, December 2005, Climate, People, and Environment
Program (CPEP) seminar / UW Madison.
Observed vegetation-climate feedbacks in the United States, February 2005, Climate, People, and Environment
Program (CPEP) seminar / UW Madison.
Past and potential future changes in global vegetation and climate due to rising CO2, November 2004, Climate,
People, and Environment Program (CPEP) / UW Madison.
Simulated and observed pre-industrial to modern vegetation and climate changes, October 2004, NOAA 29th
Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Madison.
Simulated vegetation and climate changes from rising levels of greenhouse gases, September 2004, International
Arctic meeting, Madison.
NCL (NCAR Command Language) tutorial for CCR, April 2004, UW Madison.
Model and observational analysis of the impact of the PNA pattern on the Northeast’s regional winter climate,
November 2002, Climate, People, and Environment Program, UW-Madison. |